Lab News
Justin receives a poster award at the 28th Annual Sealy Center for Structural Biology & Molecular Biophysics Symposium.
Way to go!
Congratulations to Arleth and Justin!
Three awards at the department retreat!!!
Justin’s Travel Award and Student Research Achievement Award!
Big thank you to the Biophysical Society.
Monica is co-chair of the 33rd
Keck Conference on New Frontiers in
RNA Biology and Therapeutics.
Thank you to all our exceptional speakers and attendees! What a great event.
The Pillon lab Summer social! Ice cream and RNA theme games.
Justin’s poster award. Great Work!
27th Annual Sealy Center for Structural Biology & Molecular Biophysics Symposium
Claire Piczak was awarded an Outstanding Research Presentation Award for her fantastic talk at the Gulf Coast Undergraduate Research Symposium. Congratulations!!
Arleth is preparing cryo-EM samples at high speed!
Celebrating RNA Day!
AUGust 1, 2022
Congratulations Justin!
Justin was admitted to the competitive Houston Area Molecular Biophysics Training Program. Thank you HAMBP for your support!
Monica in Newry, Maine for the GRC Post-Transcriptional Gene Regulation Meeting. It was great to catch-up with friends and hear about some fantastic discoveries!
July: Arleth Martinez joins the Pillon team!
June: Justin is off to Medical School!
Lab lunch to celebrate Justin’s BIG accomplishment. You did it!
June: Welcome Claire Piczak to the Pillon Team!
June: Monica makes her way to Boulder Colorado for the 27th Annual Meeting of the RNA Society!
June: Welcome Justin Van Riper, our first PhD student!!
Justin and Monica present at the 66th Annual Biophysical Society Meeting in San Francisco, California.
Great poster Justin!!
January: Justin Van Riper starts his rotation in the Pillon Lab. Welcome!
December 17, 2021
Pillon Lab won the 2021 Holiday Spirit Award in recognition of the best holiday decorations!!
November 21, 2021
Thanksgiving Celebration!
August 1, 2021
Celebrating RNA Day!!
August: Excited to have Zhuoyi Song rotate with our team!
June: Sweta Maheshwari joins the lab. Welcome!
April: Justin Gee joins the research team. Welcome Justin!
February: The Pillon Lab opens at Baylor College of Medicine!